Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Own Fish Tank

I just put a fish tank gadget on the blog. It's on the sidebar.

It's another gadget Google has come up with that you can easily insert easily on your blog page.

Try moving your mouse over the fish and they think you are going to feed them.

Please don't tease the fish too much !!

If you are getting this post in your email,
you will just have to click on
Here to see the fish.

Cherry-Walnut Scones I made, who wants the recipe??

Another gadget I added last week in the sidebar are recent comments that my readers have left.

Thanks to everyone who has left a comment recently , as always, your comments are truly appreciated.

If it wasn't for those comments I would feel like I am just talking to myself and if that was the case...
Well I might find myself getting committed to a psychiatric ward or something.

Might happen anyway, who knows.

Another Note...R.I.P. Walter Cronkite, he was the news, not the entertainer so many of today's broadcasters are. His concern was keeping people informed about the stuff that matters. He lived a good and memorable life.

Finally, it's been 20 days since my last cigarette and at least 20 years since my last confession....

Have a great weekend everyone!!