Saturday, August 12, 2006

Can you tell a MAN from a WOMAN ???

Take this TEST


MarinaMarburg said...

I had 83% - was totaly sure too - autsch :D

tomshideaway said...

I hadf a 75% Marina, and I took my time !?

Anonymous said...

Some of those "guys" are not guys. With some, if they really were born male, then they have had facial feminization surgery to change the bone structure of the face. Some who were labeled "guys" lack the brow ridge, chin, jaw and other bony development that testosterone gives every adolescent male.

It's a trick test. Either the supposedly right answers are wrong, or some of the subjects' faces have been surgically altered, even down to the bone structure.

tomshideaway said...

sorry anon I didn't do that well either but there were definitely some surprises in that test

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm a little late on this topic.

It's hard to tell from a picture, especially when you can't see everything.

I look at proportions first. Men have broader shoulders, women have wider hips. Men have larger hands, then there's the adam's apple. Some women have an adam's apple too (Ann Coltier, however you spell the bitches name.)

There's also more subtle differences that are hard for me to explain.

tomshideaway said...

Anon, never too late..I still keep this test up in my sidebar..I think you spell the bitches name Colter

Anonymous said...

got 100% right.

Probably I am a woman so I could tell who is a woman.

tomshideaway said...

Nice job ANON