Wednesday, May 06, 2009

To Perm or not to Perm ??

My youngest son (18) complained to me the other day that his thin brown hair was a pain in the neck. I know what he means, I mean I could never really get the look I wanted with my hair when I was younger. This light brown hair of mine just sat there flat on my head and was really better to keep it short than to try and get any of the latest styles...

Then he mentioned that he might consider getting a perm...!!

Oh, I so remember thinking that myself and I told him so. I explained that I actually did that back in the 80's and it was a big mistake...told him I'd send him a picture so he could see for himself what a BAD idea it was..

The Picture circa 1981

I added in my email that not only was the Perm a bad idea, but that he should probably try and avoid getting Rainbow suspenders and big ass glasses too !!

He's handsome as he is..

But I guess all Dads would say that huh??


Momzy said...

Naturally wavy hair does run in the family genes and, with a good haircut, does wonders. Have not had a perm in almost 30 years--just "wash & wear" is a better choice and easier to manage!

Kath Lockett said...

He's cute and DOES NOT NEED A PERM. No-one does. I did it in the eighties (though not with rainbow suspenders, dear Tom, but with acid wash jeans, popped collar and pearls) and it never turns out the way you wish it too.

Young Tom is fine the way he is! Tell him that perms are what gave rise to the phrase 'Bad Hair Day'.

dawtch said...

Awwwwwww He's very handsome as is. My Hunny has the same type (tho not color) of hair. Long hair is coming back in vogue, (most) women have a love/hate relationship with long hair on men (cause it's usually gorgeous!) and I agree with Kath - wash & wear (with a good cut) is the way to go. Based on experience, if he were to let it grow out about 6-8 inches (Hunny's goes to the middle of his back, which is saying something on a man who is 6'2"), and is absolutely beautiful. With the wavy stuff, the weight of it, when grown out, makes it more manageble...

Helen said...

He looks fine! I had a straight-perm once, I was blesses (if you want to call it that) with about three-people's worth of hair, which is somewhere between straight and curly which means that if I'm not careful I come out looking like a cross between Diana Ross and Cher.

He's quite cute, I'd tell him to stay as is...

Bunny said...

Tom - we have to dig up the picture of you (in the curly wig) and M.A. when you look like twin sisters.... But M.A. has probably destroyed all copies including the negative [old picture] like she did of her graduation picture taken on the back porch!

Attila the Mom said...

Awww, he's a chip off the old blockhead!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD !!!!


Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

Wherever did the boy even get the IDEA to get a perm??? I never hear anyone talk about them anymore, except to say, "Remember that awful perm I had back in..."

Your son is totally cute...He probably likes his longer hair, but I would give him some layers (texture makes it look fuller!) and cut the long part in the back off....make it sort of face-framing. He would rock like that.

Now about YOU and those suspenders...we'll have to talk!

Attila the Mom said...

P.S. Mork called. He wants those suspenders back.

tomshideaway said...

Momzy, I'm not taking fashion advice from you anymore!!

Kath, he is good lookin and I think those suspenders were Photo-shopped in, I wouldn't be caught dead in em!

Dawtch: I know someone that could give him a good cut..

Helen, a newcomer and thanks for taking the time to comment!! He's handsome, takes after DAD (-:

Attila, he is isn't he!!

Bunny, I have pictures of you muhawhaha

Bonster, you liked my Perm..HAHAHA

Terminally Unique, I ditched those suspenders a long time ago...

Anonymous said...

As stated above by Bunny, those photos have INDEED been DESTROYED!!!


Alijah Fitt said...

feel free to show him my current fb photo. A perm is not the solution for his hair type, it is curly enough- I agree with the above comment, a good cut will change everything, as a licensed stylist/ owner for many years he can take my advice with lots of salt.
Yes - he's darned cute the way he is!

Anonymous said...

For a minute there I thought I was looking at an old Weird Al Yankovic pic...