Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Diets, We are all on one -Try The Tom Cat Diet

The TomCat Diet says Strawberry Pie is OK

It's the truth..we all are on one diet or another. The South Beach Diet or The See - Food know - see it, eat it - Maybe you are on a starvation diet, by choice rather than by circumstance I hope, or my favorite...I developed it a couple years ago, the Budweiser Diet.

di·et : the foods eaten, as by a particular person or group

We may be on a Multicultural diet, Soul Food on Sunday, Italian on Monday, Chinese on Tuesday...etc, etc..

Or we may be on a diet fit for Cows.....Vegetarian.

Fried Chicken Cutlets are OK Too!!

Whatever it is that we eat, is our Diet. I no longer am on the "Budweiser Diet", it was fun while it lasted, it did cause me to shed some weight. I still think if I Published the Book men all over would be ripping it off the shelves... Seriously if someone told a guy to go on a diet and he went to the bookstore and saw..."Losing Weight with Fresh Vegetables" or "THE BEER DIET" , which one would he pick???


So why am I writing about diets...well, there are the 10 -15 pounds I'd like to say goodbye to for one. But when I was on the Treadmill every day and eating the "Right" foods it didn't seem to matter. Nothing changed...It reminds me of a friend of mine who has a cat that is sorta FAT. She exercises her cat making it run all over chasing a little pen light and feeds it the Lo Cal food but the cat doesn't change, it's still fat...

I feel like I'm kinda like a Tom Cat, while I don't really feel FAT, I want to shed a few pounds..So I am trying something new..The talking heads on television said that drinking red wine can be healthier than exercise...This is good news!!

Also, I heard that people often try to change too much in their diets only to revert back to there old eating habits...So the key is to just change one or two things in your diet...then it's easier to honor your commitment to the changes you make..

Awesome!! So here is my new Diet:

The Tom Cat Diet:

Less Exercise, more Red Wine and I am gonna cut cream out of my coffee!!

I'll let you know how it all works out!!

I'm calling it the Tom Cat Diet, unless someone can think of a better name!