Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dennis Johnson R.I.P.

Dennis Johnson was one of sport's classy guys. He was a joy too watch..

DJ Workin some Magic on Magic 1986

"I hate to lose," he once said. "I accept it when it comes, but I still hate it. That's the way I am."

On a lighter note, If you ever thought about watching the TV show Friday Night Lights, see what Ben has to say in his Gasbag Review first, you'll be glad you did.


Anonymous said...

Here is someone who led a quality life, Dennis Johnson. Instead the news and the public are all over crap like Anna Nicole, while her passing is tragic..why does she continue to be newsworthy??

Anonymous said...

The time that D.J. played with the Celtics is memorable. #3 was a classy guy and beloved by Boston fans.